Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am 22 weeks!

This past Sunday I hit the 22 week mark. It's a lot more fun now counting down the weeks since I'm over half way there. According to "What to Expect When You Are Expecting", Holley Ryan should be about a full pound now. I know that her movement is increasing and she has a powerful kick (or punch.) They are getting more frequent and you can certainly feel them now. Time is actually passing pretty quickly. Matt and I can't wait till she is here!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

20 Weeks and We Now Know We are Having a...

We went to the doctor today and we found out we are having a GIRL! I was so excited that I screamed out loud. Matt and I couldn't be happier! It's such a wonderful thing to now know what we are having. I just couldn't stand not knowing any longer.

Monday, May 11, 2009

20 Weeks!

I have passed the half way mark this week. I am so excited. Matt and I will go back to the doctor this week for the 20 week appointment. He is still not interested in finding out the gender while I am barely thinking of anything else. I agree that it would be a great surprise, but I could be just as surprised this week! I am feeling him/her kick a lot lately and am looking forward to seeing the progress on the ultrasound. I'd like to know if we are expecting Baby Jack or Holley Ryan!