Monday, September 6, 2010

Go Dawgs!!

Holley Ryan was excited to kick off the football season this weekend.

Monday, August 2, 2010

10 Months! (Much Belated)

This was the only 10 month picture where Holley Ryan was even partially still. She is more interested in jumping out of the chair, attacking the bear, or eating the sign as she is doing in picture #2.

Ok, we have been very late with our update this month. It has been a busy month that has included Holly Ryan's first real beach trip. She likes the sand but her mom and dad have decided that taking a ten month old to the beach is no real vacation (for the parents). However, watching her play in the waves and try to eat sand make it all worth it..

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

9 Month Update

We have been super busy over the last month so we have neglected updating the blog. There has been lots going on with Holley Ryan. She now has six teeth and is crawling at a lightning fast pace. When it is time for her 10 month picture she will likely be walking. She can stand up now and take one step before tumbling to the ground. In July we have our annual family beach trip to Crescent Beach and we are definitely ready to have a week to relax and see how Holley Ryan likes playing in the sand.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

8 Months Old

We're a little behind posting Holley Ryan's 8 month picture, but she has changed so much in the last month. She's crawling all over the place now and getting her fifth tooth! She's still having a little trouble sleeping at night, but we're adjusting. She's saying "ma-ma" and "da-da" and sometimes "pa-pa" too. She's pulling up on everything and has stood on her own for up to 5 seconds or so. She'd really like to do some fancy work on Matt's computer which made posting this update a little challenging. Nonetheless, we're super proud of her and can't wait to see what the next month holds!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7 Months Old Photos

I have been a little slow getting Holley Ryan's 7 month photos up. We have been really busy this month and Holley Ryan is growing and changing so fast. Last week she began crawling! As you can see she is burning off the pounds so she can get in her bikini.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Party Time!!

Holley Ryan went to her first Luau last night. She had a great time in her grass skirt. I will try and post her 7 month picture later.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Holley Ryan had a wonderful first Easter yesterday! She was so sweet and enjoyed the fourth egg hunt of the weekend. After church, we headed over to Fitzgerald for lunch and the fifth egg hunt. While the bigger kids were competing to see who could find the most eggs, Holley Ryan is still happy with just one so long as she can chew on it! We had a great day and were especially thankful for our sweet angel.

Friday, March 26, 2010

6 Months!!

It's hard to believe Holley Ryan has hit the big .5 year mark. This month's major changes include being able to sit up by herself for brief periods and almost starting to to crawl. She did not want to sit still for the monthly photo session this time so most of the pictures involved her trying to eat the sign or attack the bear. She also enjoys riding around on top of her first cousin Trenton.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

5 Months!!

Holley Ryan is 5 months old today. This past month has probably seen the most changes yet. Holley Ryan began eating baby food, sprouted two teeth, and is rolling around the floor with ease. It is hard to believe how quick she is growing. She has grown out of her carrier due to her length and has moved on to a regular car seat. She also is not content to just sit beside her bear for her monthly picture. As you can see below, she tried to eat the sign and eventually knocked Mr. Bear over. We will be glad when the teething process is over. It seems to fuel the world famous Hennesy Temper.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

4 months old!!

Holley Ryan is 4 months old today. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from Coffee Regional Hospital. She is changing and growing so fast that it is hard to keep up with her. She has a Dr.'s appointment later this week so we can update her weight and length then. As the previous update noted, she is rolling over and she loves sitting in her jumper and playing with her toys (see pics). In her 4 month birthday pictures I was finally able to get her to smile, so the pictures are better than usual.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's Rolling Baby!!!

Our big news today is that Holley Ryan is now rolling over! It is amazing to see her change so much every week. I guess we can no longer lay her down on the couch for second while we fix a bottle in the kitchen. I actually got some video of her rolling over with the new video camera I got Lori for Christmas but we are still trying to figure out how to download it onto the blog. I'll post some pictures next week when Holley Ryan hits the 4 month mark.