Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Photos! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I went to the doctor today for my 12 week visit. I was two pounds lighter and was sick in his office. He prescribed me some new nausea medicine that is helpful for chemotherapy patients. I am hopeful this new medicine will help the nausea and vomiting. Baby Hennesy is continuing to grow and is now approximately 2 1/2 inches from head to rump. You could see his/her arms and legs moving about. My mom went with me today and she was so excited to see the very first pictures of her grand baby. I will now go to the doctor every four weeks until closer to the due date.

1 comment:

  1. Look at your peanut waving at us. I think Baby Hennesy is going to be a girl. I'm glad your mom got to go. My mom went at 20 weeks and loved it.
