Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You Can't Deny This is Precious

Matt and I figured out that the clearest way to see the ultrasound photo was to take a picture of it with the camera. So here it is! Baby Hennesy! My friend, Julie, says that there is a theory that would say it's a boy. My calculated due date would be September 29. My actual due date is September 27. The theory is boys are quick swimmers and short lived. Girls are slow swimmers and live long. Because my actual due date is before my calculated due date, it means I must have gotten pregnant early in ovulation. If this were true, Julie would guess I would have a boy. It's not scientific or factual, but a theory. Matt's happy about it though!


  1. http://www.thebump.com/calculators/ChineseGenderChart.aspx The above website will take you to the Bumps site. I took the test and it was right on for me and for my friend Laura.

  2. I'll have to check that out...thanks for the tip!
