Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 is our lucky number!

Today, 10 (days) is the lucky number. We are getting so close to the due date that I can hardly stand it. Matt is much more relaxed than I, but still super excited.
We saw the doctor this afternoon. I am 1 cm dilated, but my cervix is still pretty high. He says it's not really "favorable" right now, so we'll be waiting a few more days. I'm scheduled to see him again on Tuesday and we'll reassess the situation. It's possible that if I am making further progress on Tuesday that we'll opt to induce the end of next week. However, if I am about the same, we'll probably wait it out another week (which will put us past our due date.)

The down side is she is in fact going to be as big as we initially thought. She was weighing in at 7 lbs. 13 oz. Our doctor suspects that last week's ultrasound was an anomaly. Her weight this week would be in line with all of the other ultrasounds we've done (and we were on a different machine last week.) Therefore, at a rate of 8 oz. per week, we're looking at over 8 lbs, which is what I was guessing to start with. She still has a Hennesy head, but her abdomen and hopefully chest and shoulders are perfectly normal.

Now it's just a waiting game. I'm mentally exhausted and ready for her arrival. My blood pressure was a little high and I will go in the morning to have it rechecked. That could present a problem, but hopefully it was due to anxiety today. I physically feel well. We have so much to be thankful for and Matt and I are super excited! We cannot wait to meet our little girl!

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